From Budapest to Bratislava by bus

Last update: May 2022

Travelling from Bratislava to Budapest by bus is very easy and comfortable. There are two main bus companies providing great daily service on the Bratislava - Budapest route. In this article we have summarized for you the most important information you might need or find interesting when travelling from Budapest to Bratislava (and vice versa) by bus.

Note: Although we mostly use the phrase “ from Vienna to Bratislava” in this article, all the information is of course valid for the opposite direction, i.e. when travelling from Bratislava to Vienna, too.

How far, how long:
distance between Budapest and Bratislava and travel time

The distance between Budapest and Bratislava is 161 kilometers as the crow flies, by bus it's about 200 kilometres. The average travel time from Budapest to Bratislava for most bus lines is between 2:30 - 3 h, depending on traffic conditions and boarding / exit bus station. 

Bus from Budapest to Bratislava:
comfortably and (not only) throughout the whole day

Between Budapest and Bratislava there are mostly 8 buses per day in both directions. The timetable depends on a particular day during the week, nevertheless, buses leave in intervals throughout the whole day, so there's a high probability you will find the right time for you. No matter which bus company you choose to travel with, all these connections from Bratislava to Budapest and vice versa are direct (assuming you don't want to travel e.g. via Vienna for a particular reason).

Buses operate from early morning until late evening, there are even some night buses. In the direction to Bratislava, the first bus leaves before 7 am, the last one shortly before 11pm with arrival to Bratislava around 2 am. From Bratislava to Budapest you can catch the first bus already at 3:15, the last one between 9-10 pm. However, keep in mind that there can be some changes in timetables and it's always better to check the up-to-date schedule in advance.

Budapest to Bratislava by bus: how much does it cost?

Prices vary according to the bus operator, day and daytime or date of purchase. The sooner a ticket is purchased before the planned trip, the cheaper it is. Prices tend to rise as your travel date approaches, so don't forget to book in advance to secure the best prices! The differences can be quite high. On average, a one-way ticket costs about €8 when purchased online.To find the exact price we recommend checking the websites of particular bus providers (see below). There are lower prices for children and youth, students, older people or those with some disabilities. 

Bus tickets can be purchased online, at bus / train stations, sometimes it's also possible directly at the bus driver. RegioJet as well as Flixbus run their own app as well. In general, we recommend buying the tickets online or in an app. Not only can you secure and choose your seat (some lines can be really busy and there's a risk it will be sold) or buy some add-ons in advance, but there can be some surcharges when buying a ticket at the station, partners´selling points etc.

Bratislava - Budapest: bus stops overview

In comparison to travelling by train, one of the advantages of buses is that there are usually more spots where you can hop on or hop off. Whereas in Bratislava all buses depart from Bratislava Mlynske Nivy (main bus station), in Budapest the most frequent bus stop for international buses is Népliget, some buses stop at Kelenföld as well. 

In Bratislava, the Nivy bus station is easily accessible by Bratislava public transport, or it´s about 10 minutes walk from the old town. The same goes for Budapest - Népliget is located right by the metro (M3, the blue one), Kelenföld is the terminal station for the green line M4. To find a suitable connection there's nothing easier than using Journey Planner on the official Bratislava public transport website or planning your journey via Budapest Trip Planner.

Bus providers on the route Budapest - Bratislava

There are two main companies operating between Budapest and Bratislava - Flixbus and RegioJet. Both of them offer a high level of comfort with special services on board. What makes them different? First of all frequency and timetables - there are much more Flixbus buses during the day than those operated by RegioJet. On the other hand, RegioJet has less strict transport conditions e.g. regarding transport of dogs, some add-ons such as an additional luggage are cheaper as well. Ticket prices are similar, there are no significant differences.

Tip: Do you vacillate which bus company to choose? Take a look at the table at the end of this article we have prepared for you. There´s some basic comparison and we would be happy if it helps you to decide.

Additional information

As pet- and sports lovers, we know that a possibility to take your “beloveds” with you can be really important when planning a trip, no matter whether it's a dog or a bike. Nevertheless, different bus companies have varying restrictions about what is and is not allowed on board. The best thing you can do is to check the up-to-date information directly on operators´ websites. Transport rules and conditions by RegioJet are available here, for Flixbus it's described on this website.
Briefly, on the route Bratislava - Budapest, RegioJet permits animals up to 10 kg free of charge, when carried in a cage or a bag with waterproof bottoms. Transport of bicycles is possible upon prior notice as well, but the bike has to be packed appropriately. Flixbus transports bikes as well, moreover, in comparison to RegioJet, offers even more options and space for bikes. However, animals are not allowed on board at all with the exception of guide or assistance dogs.

Brief summary:

Travelling from Vienna to Bratislava by bus (and vice versa)

Distance: 200 km
Departure/Arrival stations: Bratislava: main bus station Mlynske Nivy - Budapest: Népliget, Kelenföld 
Travel time: 2,5 - 3 hours
Direct bus: yes
Frequency of train connections: medium/high, in intervals throughout the whole day, with night bus
Timetable: available here: RegioJet, FlixBus
Ticket price: from €8 on average
Ticket purchase: online (recommended): for RegioJet HERE, for Flixbus HERE,
in an app, directly at the bus station, partners´ selling points or bus driver


Basic comparison of the main bus providers
  RegioJet Flixbus
departure / arrival stations

Central bus station Mlynske Nivy
Bus station Népliget

Central bus station Mlynske Nivy
Bus station Népliget

stops Budapest: Kelenföld Budapest: Kelenföld
frequency low: usually two connections per day medium to high: almost every two hours during the day
duration 2:20 - 2:50 2:20 - 2:50
ticket purchase online, mobile app, RegioJet and Student Agency branches, partners' selling points, at the bus driver online, mobile app, Flixshops and official ticket sales points, at the bus drive
mobile app yes yes
additional service/info

dogs up to 10 kgs, other animals and bikes allowed, additional or special luggage for an extra fee (€1), guarantee of departure/arrival on time, cancelling a ticket 15 min before departure

animals not allowed at all, bike allowed, additional or special luggage for an extra fee (€4-6), cancelling a ticket 15 minutes before departure

Budapest to Bratislava: other transportation options

Do you want to check also other transport options when travelling between these two capitals? Basically, you can get there by train or car (taxi) as well. Check THIS  guide to choose the best one to fit your needs. 

Final note:
Do you have any questions about travelling by bus from Budapest to Bratislava? Do you have your own tip, information that might be useful to other travellers? Or is there anything you would like to tell us? Don´t hesitate to let us know!