Running sushi in Bratislava

Slovak cuisine offers a diverse range of delights, and if you're visiting Bratislava or Slovakia for the first time, sampling some traditional dishes is a must. But let's be honest, even the most delicious dishes might not always hit the spot or are sometimes overindulged. And then comes the craving for your favourite dish... for example sushi. Because who doesn't love sushi, right? And not to mention running sushi… You know, you can never have enough of good sushi!

Right for these cases, we have a lifeline for you. In this blog post we´ll share with you tips on where to go for running sushi in Bratislava and its close neighbourhood.

Running sushi Bratislava

Where to enjoy running sushi in Bratislava

Sunshine Running Sushi Aupark

Address: Ivanská cesta 5740/16, Bratislava

Running sushi is typically found in shopping centers, and Bratislava is no exception. So, if you're looking to indulge in an endless supply of this Japanese specialty, head to the Aupark shopping center. Sunshine also operates as a regular Asian restaurant with table service, but most guests come here for those "conveyor belts" full of sushi. The variety of offerings depends greatly on when you visit – paradoxically, during busier hours, the selection is usually more diverse as the belts are replenished more frequently. Even so, you might have to wait a bit for your desired piece. However, when someone goes for running sushi, they're likely not aiming to eat as quickly as possible. Running sushi is not just about the food itself but also about the experience – savoring piece by piece, trying new things... And this well-known running sushi spot in Bratislava definitely delivers that experience.

Running & Sushi

Address: Kollárova 555/20, Trnava

With our next running sushi recommendation, let's take a short trip outside of Bratislava to Trnava. Trnava is just a quick hop from Bratislava, and moreover, they claim to offer the only running sushi in Slovakia. Well, we know that's not entirely true, but let's not hold it against them. :) The unlimited supply of sushi and other treats more than makes up for it. The place is quite popular, so it can get crowded at times. The timing of your visit can also affect the variety and quality of the offerings – dishes that have been on the belt for a while might not be as fresh.

Other places in Bratislava where to enjoy sushi

Unfortunately, you won't find more running sushi places in Bratislava. However, there are plenty of other spots where you can enjoy excellent sushi. Kai Sushi, Kazumi, IASAI, Sushi Mushi, and many more... We've already summarized the best sushi spots in Bratislava in this article.

Extra Tip

For a similarly unique experience, but on another level entirely, head to Edomae Sushi Matzuki. This Bratislava sushi restaurant provides a luxurious sushi degustation, no classic menu is available. With a luxury experience comes a higher price, and to be honest,  it's not for everyone, but if you can, we highly recommend a visit!